Home/Buzz marketing/SXSW lessons on storytelling SXSW lessons on storytelling Storytelling has always been a part of the human DNA yet companies are still trying to figure out how to truly harness its power. The fact that storytelling is constantly changing as new technologies, behaviours and platforms keep coming to surface is not helping. Here are some lessons on storytelling from this year’s SXSW. 2014-03-11Comment THINK BIGGER Brands must move away from individual ‘story lines’ and focus more on the ‘story systems’. All your stories must serve a bigger idea - think about the bible, the most classic example of human storytelling. BIG DATA FOR STORYTELLING As we move towards a quantified society, data is starting to play a role in many aspects of the business. Storytelling is not an obvious one but it turns out that data can be a game changer for storytelling. Data driven stories will have a great impact for connecting with your audiences. Find out what makes them tick and shape your stories accordingly to engage with them on emotional level. Data + emotion = success. Oreo is one of the companies using data to find out what it is that will make the person convinced to trying their cookie. They capture data to find out their audiences needs and wants and then tailor their stories and content accordingly. VISUAL STORYTELLING IS DEAD Visual storytelling is dead. Storytelling has become visual though. It’s not about that great meme, infographic or video anymore. Yes, they can capture your audiences attention but they have to be linked with a bigger story and message you`re trying to convey. Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address