Home/Focus/The naked future The naked future 90% of all the data in the world was generated in just the last two years and it will accelerate in the future thanks to our smartphones and the fact they become cheaper and more accessible. We like to create data and we do it every day voluntary or not. 2014-03-11Comment According to John Krumm (writer of the “The Naked Future”), 3200 days of GPS reading can predict a subject future location 80 weeks in advance with more than 80% accuracy. It’s invasive if someone is doing it for you but kind of a superpower if you do it for yourself. Some researchers predict flu transmission patterns based on geolocalized tweets and google data. Even future disruptive trends can be identified by tools like Quid. Trough smartphone centered technology, we become part of the predictive network. Entrepreneurs create today new services that enables to push data back to the consumers for his own good. Transposing this in the media and advertising world, the opportunity is huge, if used well. While real time bidding is excellent at identifying specific audiences based on multiple variables, it is not yet fully predicting consumer behavior. Once that gap will be filled consumer will be able to receive extremely adapted ads in exchange for providing their data. Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address