Home/ channel belgium /Kappa Data introduces ProxiPass: social distancing & proximity tracing tool for companies Kappa Data introduces ProxiPass: social distancing & proximity tracing tool for companies May 4th is the day we’ve been waiting for as many companies are now allowed to reopen. At least if they can comply with the new security requirements imposed by our government. The most important requirement being the monitoring of the 'social distance' between coworkers, which must be at least 1.5 meters. For many companies, guaranteeing safe working conditions creates big challenges. 2020-05-05Comment 155353053 New That's why today, Kappa Data is launching ProxiPass, powered by Kappa Data: a solution that monitors and maps the 'social distance' between coworkers. How does it work? Our solution is based on Option’s CloudGate, a multi-purpose IoT gateway from the Kappa Data portfolio. The ProxiPass tool utilizes the CloudGate with a LoRaWan interface on the one hand and a 4G card on the other hand. “ProxiPass, easy social distancing monitoring for companies.” This proximity tracing tool applies to every individual in the workplace and requires a badge per person, that needs to be worn at all times when on-site. Each badge has 2 separate functionalities: Firstly, the personal badge includes a 'buzzer' that makes a noise when people don’t respect the minimum social distance. This detection technology is based on Bluetooth. Both timing and distance standards can be programmed. Secondly, ProxiPass uses LoRaWan protocol and hereby transmits information via the secure gateway to the central management platform, where all data is collected and analyzed. Collaboration To facilitate the ProxiPass solution, Kappa Data teamed up with platform builder WMW. Via their specialized proximity tracing platform, the administrator can review the collective of the company’s data and is given an overview of possible breaches to the security rules. In the event that a coworker tests positive for an infectious disease e.g. Covid-19, an overview of this person’s contacts at work can be built quickly by using the management platform (as well as the frequency and the duration of the contact moments). Unlike any other solution, the Kappa Data ProxiPass is easy to install and can be used very quickly. For more information, we would like to refer you to https://proxipass.eu/ or contact us via e-mail or telephone (contact details see below). About Kappa Data – Value-Added distributor in Network & Security Solutions Kappa Data (www.kappadata.eu) is a Value-Added Distributor and offers a complete portfolio of IoT, network and protection solutions for Enterprise and SMB environments. Through its resellers, Kappa Data offers end clients solutions for connectivity, monitoring, management and data protection. Choosing Kappa Data means providing excellent client support, thorough technical knowledge and innovative, top quality products. Kappa Data gives priority to a long-term relationship with its clients and has been rewarded for this with many prizes. Show More Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address