Home/ channel belgium /Thierry Van Steirteghem joins Exclusive Networks Thierry Van Steirteghem joins Exclusive Networks On June 7, Thierry Van Steirteghem joined Exclusive Networks as Senior Presales Engineer. 2016-06-09Comment 156791435 In his role as Senior Presales Engineer Thierry will have a clear focus on the Security & Networking solutions from Blue Coat and Infoblox. In this matter he holds several high-level certifications such asIPv6 Forum Gold Certified trainer, Certified Infoblox Instructor and BlueCoat Certified Professional. Prior to joining Exclusive Networks, Thierry worked as Senior Technical Trainer at Vasco and as Presales Consultant at SecureLink. Show More Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address