Home/ channel belgium /Altimate is about to change the structure of their email addresses into Arrowecs ! Altimate is about to change the structure of their email addresses into Arrowecs ! ArrowECS kindly asks you to update your contact database and start using the new Arrow email addresses immediately. 2013-06-27Comment 156808227 As from the 1st of July only firstname.lastname@arrowecs.be or firstname.lastname@arrowecs.luwill be active. Mails sent after the 1st of July to the Altimate address will NOT be forwarded NOR received. Please contact your ArrowECS contact should you have any questions. http://www.arrowecs.be / Tel: +32 (0)2 663 49 10 Show More Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address