Home/ channel belgium /Alcatel-Lucent continues to grow market share in Wired and Wireless LAN Networking Alcatel-Lucent continues to grow market share in Wired and Wireless LAN Networking The recently released Dell’Oro “Ethernet Switch Quarterly Report 3Q12” reveals Alcatel-Lucent as the fastest growing Ethernet LAN vendor for the Q3’2012 quarter in terms of port growth with an increase of 18% over Q2’2012. For the same period, the market saw growth of less than 1%. 2013-01-29Comment 156790429 According to the Dell’Oro Group “Ethernet Switch Quarterly Report 3Q12”, Alcatel-Lucent continues to improve their position in a very challenging and competitive environment, growing its revenue by over 2% while the industry declined nearly 5%. Another report, the “Wireless LAN Quarterly Report 3Q12”, portrays Alcatel-Lucent as the fastest growing supplier in the largest Enterprise-class segment of the Wireless LAN market; Dependent Access Points. Dell’Oro Group reports Alcatel-Lucent growing sales over 35% sequentially, more than double the overall market growth of under 15%. According to the report, Alcatel-Lucent’s strong sales of Dependent Access Points, pushed its overall revenue from Wireless LAN sales such that they exceeded the industry average, growing 11.5% versus the industry average growth of 4.5%. Alcatel-Lucent’s market-leading enterprise LAN switches include the award-winning OmniSwitch 10K Modular LAN Chassis, the OmniSwitch 6900 Stackable LAN switch and the OmniSwitch 6850E Stackable LAN switch. Wireless products include OmniAccess Wireless LAN switch/controllers, OmniAccess Wireless Access Points and WLAN software. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provides communication solutions and services to businesses of all sizes. Currently serving more than 250,000 customers across its enterprise portfolio, Alcatel-Lucent enables enterprises to change the conversation that is being driven by consumers and the consumerization of IT in business. Show More Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address