Home/ channel belgium /BELTUG integrates Belgium Cloud BELTUG integrates Belgium Cloud Belgium Cloud is a independent group for Belgian entrepreneurs, who unite ICT experts to exchange information about Cloud and Cloud computing via their forum and between the Belgium Cloud partners. By sharing knowledge and expertise we attempt to answer questions and clear up any confusion pertaining to Cloud in the market. 2012-10-03Comment 156790293 Their mission consists of these items: - To broaden the understanding of the Cloud concept in the Belgian market. - To develop a quality label for Belgian Cloud initiatives. - To measure and increase the impact of the Cloud in Belgian companies and organizations. We are pleased to let you know that all the activities of Belgium Cloud will be integrated within BELTUG. Why is this positive for BELTUG? The Board and Steering Committee of BELTUG recently decided on the new orientation of the BELTUG strategy for the years 2013-2015. Developing our activities in cloud, with a link to communication services, is a key part of our focus. The mission of Belgium Cloud - to sensitise companies to the use of cloud, and its consequences - is very compatible with our own. Rather than work on the same topics separately, it is more efficient to group the efforts of BELTUG and Belgium Cloud. This offers BELTUG an opportunity to make contact with new players, and bring new knowledge into our organisation. Why is this positive for Belgium Cloud? For Belgium Cloud, integration within BELTUG means having an established and well-regarded channel for distributing knowledge about the cloud. Among other actions, we can: - Organise professional activities within BELTUG’s established framework; - Continue to work on content, with a focus on themes such as security, legal issues, data location, and more. Show More Newsletter Rejoignez gratuitement la communauté Digimedia et suivez chaque semaine l’actualité Enter your Email address