Home/Focus/What’s Hot at SXSW Interactive What’s Hot at SXSW Interactive SXSW is in full swing. Thousands of people are walking the corridors with noses in their phones, hundreds of sessions happen simultaneously, start-ups are being launched with the speed of light. For those of you who didn’t make it to Austin this year, here are a few hot items straight from the SXSW oven... 2014-03-10Comment Connected Human Even though body computing is in its early stage, it is exploding in growth. At the moment 27% of humans wear some kind of a sensor. Soon injectable sensors and electronic tattoos that will collect and stream information about our body, our health and our behaviour will become an integrated part of our lives. Robots are everywhere Everything that can be automated, will be automated. More and more robots will start serving real purpose in everyday life, taking over a lot of our daily tasks. As we won’t be spending our time and brain power on those tasks, the collective brain power of humanity will go up and will be used for other more important matters. From E-Commerce to C-Commerce C stands for Content as it seems to be the winning ingredient in the success recipe for online commerce. Companies seem to realise content closes the loop in the customer life cycle and provides opportunities for (additional) revenue streams. Privacy Privacy is hot at SXSW this year as the conference stars (virtual) talks from both Snowden and Assange. There is a clear focus on government snooping (NSA) and a lot of talk on the conflict between privacy and monetisation of big data. 3D printing goes multi-colour and multi-material It was at last year’s SXSW where 3D printing gained momentum. This year 3D printers are back at the show but they can now handle multiple colors as well as materials in one print run. Think food. Walking the halls, you can help yourself to a colourful 3D candy printed in front of your eyes. Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address