Pierre De Nayer

Pierre De Nayer

VP Strategic Market Development


Product launches are pivotal moments for pharmaceutical companies, and for the product managers working for them. Most often, the long-term success of a drug will largely depend on the success of its launch. It needs to be prepared well in advance, be comprehensive and, in today's world,  needs to encompass the new channels, with the aim to be  fully Omnichannel. But, despite many studies having proven the fact that third party players should be called in, pharmaceutical companies still mostly rely on their own channels and own resources. In a "dialogue-based" format between themselves, Pierre and Jean Sebastian will show how pharmaceutical companies could excel while launching a product, through a digital savvy approach, piggy-backing on HCP's ecosystem, and leveraging the channels they usually use. 
Pierre is currently serving as Vice-President Strategic Markets at WebMD /Medscape, contributing to the corporate development of this  leading online physician community and digital media for healthcare professionals. Pierre is also an accomplished Entrepreneur and Managing Director with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry, having started his career as a biotech entrepreneur and MD of the company he co-founded (later bought by GSK). After a few years at Procter&Gamble Pharmaceuticals, and another few years as consultant at McKinsey, working mainly for pharma and biotech companies, he co-founded and was co-CEO of Actito, a marketing automation software company which now has offices across Europe and North America.  Additionally, as a passionate entrepreneur, Pierre also founded Raz*War, a personal grooming product brand. Pierre has a degree in Commercial Sciences, a degree in Molecular Biology and finally graduated as a philosopher. He loves giving lectures about healthcare and the pharma industry.