Pierre De Nayer

Pierre De Nayer




Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” This quote, attributed (falsely) to David Ogilvy is famous and was always a good excuse for failure. But, today, there is no excuse for wasting half of your advertising budget. Digital creates the unique opportunity to measure everything you do, the success obtained and the impact on desired outcomes! This is now entirely true for promotion activities driven by pharma, but also for (physician) education, patient engagement and other medical affairs activities, where outcomes means eventually: a better health and a healthier world! Therefore: "Digital meaning results" needs to be understood in a much stronger sense. It simply makes things happen! Leveraging different industry cases, Pierre will explain how efficient metrics could be obtained, how change of behaviour could be reached, and... how all this paves the way for better outcomes.