Georges Kohnen

Head of Data Science - Veepee

Georges Kohnen is Head of Data Science at Veepee. Together with his team, he focuses on personalization, CRM, forecasting topics, search function optimization and feature recognition in product images. Georges joined Veepee in 2017 as a full-stack Data Scientist. In 2019, he took over the management of a team specialised in forecasting related topics. He is responsible for data science since April 2022.

Georges studied physics in Belgium and did a PhD in Astroparticle physics, followed by a few years of research. Being fluent in a few programming languages, he moved into Data Science - a field where, as in physics, he has to look for a needle in a haystack - in other words: a specific signal in a large amount of data. 

Georges plays the piano and has been a member of a wine club for ten years. He is still involved in the university radio station he created 20 years ago and has two adorable kids.

Data is not about tech!

As the world continues to accelerate and evolve, leveraging data, and more and more AI, has become crucial to delivering seamless and relevant experiences across industries and customer profiles. Let’s explore this journey with Georges Kohnen, Head of Data Science at Veepee, between successes and challenges.