Home/ channel belgium /Joachim Lauwers to head VanRoey Joachim Lauwers to head VanRoey The IT company specializing in application services, cloud infrastructure and secure storage, has appointed Joachim Lauwers as CEO. As VanRoey's new CEO, he will be responsible for pursuing the IT company's growth ambitions. 2024-09-03Comment 156791983 The “Managed ICT” oriented service provider, specializing in applications, cloud infrastructure, storage, networking and security, has announced the appointment of Joachim Lauwers as CEO. As the IT company's new CEO, he will be responsible for “developing new competencies and strengthening its geographical presence in new markets through strategic acquisitions and the recruitment of new talent”. Under Pat Van Roey's leadership, the ICT service provider has established itself in Flanders as a leading technical expert in a wide range of managed services. The company attracted a strategic investment from Fortino Capital in 2022 to accelerate its annual growth (+10%). VanRoey is based in Kempus (Turnhout) and also has offices in Geel, Antwerp and Mechelen, as well as a new office in Houthalen-Helchteren. Its expansion is part of a growth strategy that relies both on increasing its customer portfolio and on targeted acquisitions. “Business IT needs are high, and CIOs will be investing more in security, automation, AI and cost-cutting solutions in 2024 and 2025,” the company points out. To respond to these developments and support further growth, Joachim Lauwers will bring his extensive strategic and commercial experience previously gained as CEO of cloud communications company Dstny, where he contributed to rapid growth in the Belgian market. “I'm looking forward to realizing VanRoey's growth ambitions with the help of the experts who develop structural solutions in collaboration with the 2,000 customers in the public and private sectors. And to strengthen our market position to better serve them,” said Joachim Lauwers, CEO of VanRoey. “After 30 years at the head of the company, it's time to pass the torch. Joachim Lauwers' expertise and impressive track record make him the ideal person to lead our company to new heights,” said Pat Van Roey, who remains Chairman of the company's Board of Directors. By leveraging strategic partnerships and local expertise, VanRoey intends to extend the reach of its services to a wider range of customers. In addition to its current 220 employees, VanRoey is actively seeking 35 new employees to support its expansion plans. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address