Home/ channel belgium /Sofie Turcksin joins BIGTEC team of Exclusive Networks Sofie Turcksin joins BIGTEC team of Exclusive Networks Sofie is the new Enterprise Account Manager for BIGTEC 2016-01-27Comment 156790970 On January 4, Sofie Turcksin joined BIGTEC, the `Datacenter Transformation` division of the Exclusive Group. In her role as Enterprise Account Manager, Sofie is responsible for the commercial development and sales results of the BIGTEC business unit with a focus on Large sized Enterprises. The BIGTEC portfolio exists of disrupting datacenter vendors like Nutanix, Arista, VMturbo, vArmour, Tegile, SilverPeak, Quantum and Rubrik. Prior to joining BIGTEC, Sofie worked 4 years as Territory Manager at Veeam Software, and 5 years at Arrow ECS as Business Development for several software vendors. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address