Home/ channel belgium /3 new hires at Exclusive Networks 3 new hires at Exclusive Networks Filip Leeman, Diel Caroes and Katrien Coudré join Exclusive Networks to reinforce the sales and technical teams. 2015-11-05Comment 156790816 On November 2, Filip Leeman and Diel Caroes joined Exclusive Networks, the Value Add Services and Technologies Distributor specialised in Cybersecurity. In his role as Product Specialist Filip will be responsible for driving the business of Safenet, Balabit and Netskope. Prior to joining Exclusive Networks, Filip worked for nearly 8 years as Account Manager at Westcon. Diel Caroes started as Network & Security engineer to reinforce the technical team. Diel holds a Master in Computer Science and within his role he has a clear focus on the Fortinet solutions. On November 9, Katrien Coudré will join the sales team of Exclusive Networks. Katrien was Channel Manager at Afas Software for the last 4 years. Before that, she gained security experience in her sales role at C-Cure and Telenet. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address