Home/ channel belgium /Tanium Selects Exclusive Networks to Recruit and Equip Partner Channel Tanium Selects Exclusive Networks to Recruit and Equip Partner Channel Exclusive Networks becomes distributor for new real time visibility and control vendor 2015-10-01Comment 156790853 Exclusive Networks has signed a distribution agreement with Tanium, and will be showcasing the security visibility and control vendor’s unique solutions at this week’s Infosecurity Europe 2012 event in London. Tanium has tasked Exclusive Networks with accelerating reseller recruitment and creating market momentum in several key vertical sectors. Established in the US since 2007, Tanium is targeting significant growth in its sales operations, a strategy supported by the decision to partner with Exclusive Networks. The company’s solutions have proven particularly successful in the finance and government sectors where they have led to major benefits across a range of corporate systems management initiatives including asset and software license management, outage management, patch management, instant remediation of security events and unmanaged asset tracking. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address