Home/ channel belgium /BigTec Conference 2015 - The Impact of Distruptive technologies in the Data Center BigTec Conference 2015 - The Impact of Distruptive technologies in the Data Center Held at San Marco Village on the 10th November from 11h30 we will be uncovering what the true Software Defined Data Center looks like and how to secure it. 2015-10-26Comment 156791041 The impact of Disruptive Technologies in the Data Center. Join BigTec to discover the opportunities and challenges that IT faces as businesses need more and more scalability and on-demand services. Held at San Marco Village on the 10th November from 11h30 we will be uncovering what the true Software Defined Data Center looks like and how to secure it. Together with our vendors we will demystify key buzzwords such SDN, NFV, SD-WAN, Webscale, Orchestration, Automation and explain how they fit together to provide the agility and cost efficiency businesses now require. REGISTER NOW: http://info.exclusive-networks.be/BIGTEC-2015.html?src=channelbelgium Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address