Home/ channel belgium /vArmour Visualises and Protects Against Massive Data Centre Threats and Cyber Attack vArmour Visualises and Protects Against Massive Data Centre Threats and Cyber Attack Data Defined Perimeter’ solution protects critical assets wherever they reside by giving enterprises and service providers visibility, control and threat defences for the agile data centre 2015-09-29Comment 156790476 Recently surfaced from stealth mode with the world’s first post-cloud, post-virtualisation data centre security solution, vArmour is today formally launching in the Belux market and will demo its solution at the upcoming BIGTEC event in Antwerp on 10th November. With a dedicated focus on protecting global enterprises’ most valuable asset – their data – vArmour brings a unique approach to data centre security. Through an exclusive distribution partnership with Bigtec, a division of Exclusive Networks, vArmour offers the Belux market the only solution that visualises the enterprises’ entire set of data, no matter where it comes from or how it changes. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address