Home/ channel belgium /Fractal Design new brand in Copaco’s portfolio Fractal Design new brand in Copaco’s portfolio Copaco Benelux has expanded its product range with computer casings, power supplies and similar items of the Swedish brand Fractal Design. By adding Fractal Design to the portfolio, Copaco offers its resellers in both the Netherlands and Belgium products of outstanding design standards, without compromising on the vital elements of quality, function and price. 2015-09-18Comment 156792026 Huub Aerts, Business Director at Copaco: “By adding Fractal Design to our product range we can offer our customers an even wider spectrum of gaming products. In Belgium Fractal Design did not have a distributor until now. Because of the cooperation between Fractal Design and Copaco, the Belgian market can now be supplied with these lovely products.” Graham Dark, Regional Manager at Fractal Design: “Fractal Design has been active on the Dutch market for five years now and we continue to grow. Copaco is an important partner because of its strong position in the Benelux market. I’m convinced our market position is going to become even stronger now that Copaco became our partner.” Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address