Home/ channel belgium /UXC Connect provides cloud-based telephony services for the G20 Leaders’ Summit UXC Connect provides cloud-based telephony services for the G20 Leaders’ Summit UXC Connect, working with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, provided telephony services for the Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders’ Summit held recently in Brisbane. The services were delivered primarily through UXC Connect’s cloud-based communications service, iTaaS, powered by OpenTouch, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s next generation communications platform. 2015-01-09Comment 156808377 iTaaS offers fixed-line telephony, unified messaging, presence and instant messaging, conferencing, and mobility features which can be purchased in a range of options, including through the cloud.Powering communications for over 7,000 attendees at the conference, iTaaS was selected because of its flexibility, scalability and ease and speed of implementation. Critically, it also met all the strict security requirements of government.Run in the cloud, the flexibility of the iTaaS solution enabled event organisers to deploy on a cost per use basis, without having to manage a complex license structure and also meant that it was quick to mobilise. This enabled organisers to deploy the solution in advance of the event and also reduced the need to implement large amounts of physical on-site technology.UXC Connect designed and built the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system infrastructure to support telephony coverage across all G20 locations including the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in South Brisbane, sites in Bowen Hills and sites at the Brisbane Airport Corporation at Eagle Farm.Ian Poole, CEO, UXC Connect, said, “The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet wanted to provide the G20 Leaders’ Summit with a secure, high-profile telecommunications service for a large number of people across public and private venues for a short period of time.“The iTaaS solution was chosen because of its ability to rapidly scale-up to meet the complex requirements of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet while offering a true consumption-based pricing model. iTaaS lets UXC Connect technically deliver communications services quickly, for a specified time, and has the customer pay only for the required duration.”The solution adhered to all the security requirements of the G20 Leaders’ Summit, meeting the protected rating necessary for government officials and delegates and also included a 100 per cent availability guarantee for the duration of the event. In addition, an existing support model was already in place for customers in Queensland, providing 24x7 support which could be leveraged for the summit.“Together UXC Connect and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provided a capability that was technically sound and adaptable to the unique needs of government leaders and delegates in attendance at the G20 summit. This project is also testament to the growing demand in the market for consumption-based communications offerings that can adapt to meet changing business requirements in all industries from government and larger enterprises to universities and health care providers.”The G20 is the world`s premier forum for global economic and financial cooperation and decision making. The Leaders’ Summit, held in Brisbane on November 15 and 16, 2014, was the most significant gathering of international leaders Australia has ever hosted. It attracted 27 heads of government and their finance ministers, seven heads of international organisations, senior officials, and around 7,000 delegates and domestic and international media. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address