Home/ channel belgium /Exclusive Networks Creates Powerful New Force with Acquisition of Security VAD Sidin Exclusive Networks Creates Powerful New Force with Acquisition of Security VAD Sidin Brings critical mass and growth momentum to Europe’s 4th largest security market 2014-10-03Comment 156791715 Exclusive Networks Group today announced a new acquisition to transform its capabilities in the Italian market and extend the international and strategic value of vendor relationships such as A10 Networks and Fortinet. Sidin is the country’s leading independent security VAD, and combining its strength with the existing Exclusive Networks Italy business will create a powerful new force in the Italian security distribution market with sufficient critical mass to form a more balanced proportion of future Group revenues which are targeted to hit 1bn€ by 2017. Best known for its value-adding expertise in IT security, Sidin’s security division boasts annual revenues of around 30m€ from a range of vendors, including A10, Allot and Fortinet. The acquisition means Fortinet solutions are now distributed by Exclusive Networks businesses in 12 territories from Africa to the Middle East and Australia/New Zealand and throughout all major western European economies. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address