Software Defined Networking - The Next Paradigm Shift

Our world is changing … FAST! New technologies, new consumption models and new business outcomes. Besides that we still encounter two eternal IT challenges namely: Low operational costs and an increase of revenue.


Data Center Seminar - May 6 | Software Defined Networking - The Next Paradigm Shift
- Agility - any application anywhere, physical & virtual
- Reduce cost, overhead and downtime
- Preserve existing investments
- Transforming IT manager into cloud service brokers ?

Click here to register
Organized by Westcon Security and Comstor

The needs of today’s applications have changed, and the infrastructure has to meet different challenges across physical, virtual, and distributed scale out applications like Big Data.  Customers want to deploy these applications with full freedom to take advantage of the latest private, public and hybrid cloudmodels.  Application and business IT leaders are expecting a more agile and responsive infrastructure that allows them to deploy, change, and decommission applications free of constraint from underlying infrastructure dependencies.

Cisco ACI (Aplication Centric Infrastructure), launched in November 2013, is answering on these Next Generation IT needs;
ACI is designed around an application policy model, allowing the entire data center infrastructure to better align itself with application delivery requirements and the business policies of the organization. The entire objective of ACI is to allow the data center to respond dynamically to the changing needs of applications, rather than having applications conform to constraints imposed by the infrastructure. These policies automatically adapt the infrastructure (network, security, application, compute, and storage) to the needs of the business to drive shorter application deployment cycles.

Together with their strong Eco partners such as F5 and Trend Micro Cisco is making its Data Center solution offering complete.
Tying together the technologies of the Cisco ACI and F5 Software Defined Application Services allows IT organizations to deliver application centric, service-enabled network and application service automation in existing and next-generation data centers.
With the validation of Trend Micro`s Deep Security for Cisco`s UCS Platform, leaders in networking and security deliver a channel-ready solution employing the industry’s first agentless security platform. 

Meet us on Tuesday May 6 by Clicking here to register to learn more about:

Cisco DC&V solutions
Trend Micro’s DeepSecurity on Cisco UCS platform 
F5Networks Software Defined Application Services


Organized by Westcon Security and Comstor
Both part of the Westcon Group


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