Home/ channel belgium /New Marketing Manager at GPXS Services New Marketing Manager at GPXS Services Juergen Dierckx is the new marketing manager at GPXS Services. 2012-05-14Comment 156791838 GPXS Services is Europe`s leading player in managed enterprise mobility solutions. GPXS provides Managed Mobility Services (MMS) for enterprise customers. The new generation of smartphones and tablets create device management challenges, costs and complexity that demand an effective and professionally supported Mobility Strategy. GPXS Services helps you to build, manage and support that Mobility Strategy. Prior to his new role, Dierckx worked for Onephone, Siemens, GlobalSign & Roularta Media Group is various roles. Show More Newsletter Schrijf je in voor onze newsletter en check al het nieuws over e-marketing, startups, digital agencies,… Enter your Email address