AKQA is de grote winnaar van de MIXX Awards 2024!

Met 16 gewonnen prijzen is AQKA Brussels de grote winnaar van deze 2024-editie.


Met 100 geregistreerde inzendingen hebben de MIXX Awards de beste digitale campagnes van het jaar bekroond. AKQA Brussel is de grote winnaar van deze 2024-editie, met maar liefst 16 gewonnen prijzen. Ontdek hieronder het gedetailleerde palmares.

Martech - Best Belgian Marketing Tool
Gold : Bridge: The Future of Digital Campaign Management - MediaBrands

Martech - Best International Marketing Tool
Gold : AdSecura: the smart way to manage and optimize programmatic campaigns.- Programmads

Martech - Best use of AI
Gold : See my pain - AKQA

Brand Advertising Campaign
Gold : De bouw kijkt verder – AKQA

Branded Content
Gold : Pulse of Nature - AKQA

Digital OOH Advertising
Gold : Pulse of Nature - AKQA

Direct Response/Lead Generation Campaign
Gold : From Zero to 150K downloads: the application redefining mobility in Brussels - UM - IPG Mediabrands

Effective Use of Data / Dashboarding
Gold : Pulse of Nature- AKQA

Influencer Marketing
Gold : TMF comeback- AKQA

Native Advertising
Gold : SPA® Fruit - #SlashTheFruits (Playfwd) – Space

Non-Profit/Corporate Social Responsibility
Gold:  Shortest Lives – AKQA

Product Innovation
Gold : Flip the Wave: Pushing the Boundaries of Innovation with Samsung – AdSomeNoise

Retail Media
Gold : L'Oreal - Bol Beauty Studio - PHD Media

Search Advertising
Gold : Korian: Protecting Brand Image in Elderly Care - Semetis

Social Media
Gold : Building an orange army – AKQA

Sustainability Campaign
Gold : Pulse of Nature – AKQA

Virtual and Augmented Reality / New Technos
Gold : Social Sound – AKQA

Digital Agency of the Year 2024 : AQKA

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